Thursday, August 8, 2013

Episode 2.10 - Happy Kwannaglee!

Break out your sad berets and husky female santas for A Very GleeKast Xmas, wherein Emily & Erica are joined by the holiday spirit that is lovely guest star Lisa. After an epic round of feedback that includes everything from corporate law to adorable babies, the ladies tackle Glee’s take on grinches, fake snow, Tanning Chatum and stem cell research. Eagle eyed Erica acts all smart and obverservationish with a keen Rachel fashion report and intense research on argomedtechsciencesounding technology, while Emily gets stuck on fat jokes and how to say the word ‘rotisserie.’ Learn all about Long Island’s worst excuse for a shopping mall and why The Christmas Shoes is the greatest song ever written ever (ever).  We’ll be taking a brief hiatus to match Glee, but tune in early January for a bonus show on the best of the year in film and tv. Your feedback/best-of lists/firstborn babies that sing along to Glee are always welcome Visit our forums to answer our many questions of the week over at, and have a happy, grinchless, and high calorie filled end of 2010.
Love & snuggles,

Erica & Emily (& Lisa)

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